Friday, 7 March 2014

6 Dangerous TOS of Genuine Ad Posting Jobs

As an online job consultant, I'm receiving lots of calls and emails every week regarding online ad posting job. They all asking me about the procedure and estimated monthly income. But, it is quite surprising that nobody asked about the limitations of ad posting jobs.

There are many limitations of genuine ad posting jobs which will pull you back to post ads on every free classified site. Maximum number of people are leaving this job due to those limitations.

ad posting

The Limitations of Ad Posting Jobs;

  1. Banded keywords in post link:- Some of them are not allowing ad link with keyword such as- php?, .com/ads, /post/, etc. It's only for restrict clients. 
  2. Some of the are saying- same looking classified sites are not allowed. I don't know why they are saying this. Two different classified sites could be the same looking because, most of the site maker using the free classified script to make a free classified site. Here the example of some most usage PHP classified scriptOsclassAlmond ClassifiedsDClassifieds.
  3. Low traffic classified sites are not allowed.
  4. You have to post ads in exact categories which company indicated. 
  5. Ad validity must be at least one month.
  6. A company can add new TOS any time without any notice. This is the most dangerous TOS because, they can change anything anytime to reject your ad posting work.
According to the companies' point of view, if they don't use those terms of service, then, every client would earn higher than their budget. Here's one thing you should know that, there are no such options to convert clients' ad posting work into money except rotating clients' registration fees. So, normally the ad posting companies have to control their clients' works to pay them regularly.

So, I recommend to not to do ad posting job unless you don't have other options

6 Dangerous TOS of Genuine Ad Posting Jobs Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: linda


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