The success of affiliate marketing is totally depends on the ability to convince your readers to buy something from you. It's more important than promoting your content over the internet to generate traffic.
Exactly for the same reason, few bloggers are selling more products from their blog than a traditional merchant site. At the same time it's also true that, there are only a few bloggers are doing that. But, nothing is impossible! So, if you're also planning to earn revenue by selling some products from your blog then you must know the inside matter of selling products from your site/blog (content marketing).
Selling products from your blog (or website) is a part of content marketing. So, here I would like to highlight some life line points of content marketing (Tips to selling products by writing contents).
1# Why a buyer will red your content?: First of all you should know that people will not come to your blog to buy something. Because, blog is to read and getting information not to buy something. Generally buyers will use merchant sites to purchase their products not your blog.
Beside these, they will read your content-
2# How to convert a reader into a buyer: You'll have only 10 seconds to say your readers that your content is very helpful to them. Readers will make the decision to stay on a page or go away under 10 seconds. It's the current trend of our internet users.Exactly for the same reason, few bloggers are selling more products from their blog than a traditional merchant site. At the same time it's also true that, there are only a few bloggers are doing that. But, nothing is impossible! So, if you're also planning to earn revenue by selling some products from your blog then you must know the inside matter of selling products from your site/blog (content marketing).
Inside matter of selling products through content marketing:
Selling products from your blog (or website) is a part of content marketing. So, here I would like to highlight some life line points of content marketing (Tips to selling products by writing contents).
1# Why a buyer will red your content?: First of all you should know that people will not come to your blog to buy something. Because, blog is to read and getting information not to buy something. Generally buyers will use merchant sites to purchase their products not your blog.
Beside these, they will read your content-
- To verify the products.
- To choose the best product.
- To be satisfied with merchant sites.
So, the title and first three lines of your content are very important to convince a reader to read the whole content as well as to making a positive sense to buy your product. You should not write excess, otherwise your readers will be disturbed. Use positive words or sentences in this section of content and create a positive environment to sell your product.
3# Using positive words in content: An affiliate marketer is much like as a salesman. I've read a book "The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation
Suppose you've dropped your watch into the water accidentally and it has stopped working so, you want to buy a new. At the first show-room the salesman straightly shows you different kinds of watches and told their price.
But at the second show-room, first the salesman asked you few questions and then he took a branded water proof watch and said- "It is completely water proof, you can wear it every time even in mud! It is very easy to clean and you can change the battery yourself. It has three years warranty. I think this will be the best for you."
Now, you probably will buy from the second show room. Because, the salesman understands your needs and punches few positive thinking in your mind by using some specific words. They are- Completely waterproof, Wear every time, Even in the mud, Three year warranty and Best.
So, using positive words in content will increase your sale.
4# Using proper keywords: Organic traffics has the highest power of business conversion as well as sale conversion. Because, they are definitely searching for something using search engines.More organic traffic means more sell.
Using proper keywords in content will increase your visibility on search engines.
Over to you:
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