The classified sites like OLX and Quikr has become the biggest online destination for the old items in India. Because it's easy to use and too much popular among the Indians. And another advantage is that people can contact directly to the sellers so here is no need to spend the extra shipping cost.
But, now a days scam seller is gradually capturing this marketplace and classified sites are loaded with stolen products. Scammers are using this online platform to sell stolen goods because it's comparatively easy to sell in the local market. Although there are so many safety tips for classified usage still then it's very hard to figure out the true items.
So, it's best to buy products with the proper bill or not to buy form free classified sites like- OLX and Quikr.
Here is a list of products which you should not by from Quikr and OLX if you are not want to take any kind of risks;
But, now a days scam seller is gradually capturing this marketplace and classified sites are loaded with stolen products. Scammers are using this online platform to sell stolen goods because it's comparatively easy to sell in the local market. Although there are so many safety tips for classified usage still then it's very hard to figure out the true items.
So, it's best to buy products with the proper bill or not to buy form free classified sites like- OLX and Quikr.
Here is a list of products which you should not by from Quikr and OLX if you are not want to take any kind of risks;
- Old Mobiles:
- Old Laptops;
- Pirated DVDs.
- Old vehicles.
- Expensive Cameras.
- Expensive Watches.
- Jewellariers.
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